Rabies Vaccine for Dogs – Complete Guide

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In this article, we are going to talk about the rabies vaccine for dogs, as it presents some particulars that make it necessary that, as dog sitters, we have all the information about it, since, among others, canine rabies is deadly.

The canine rabies is a disease considered zoonosis, which means that animals can pass it to humans. Hence the imposition of vaccination programs for domestic animals, such as dogs, cats or ferrets, with the aim of stopping their spread.

What are vaccines used for in dogs?

The rabies vaccine for dogs works just like any other vaccine. Vaccines are preparations of different pathogens modified so that they do not trigger the disease. They are generally administered as an injection, although there are also oral or intranasal ones.

Once in the body, they act by stimulating the immune system, which will be activated to eliminate the pathogen. In this way, it creates antibodies against it and if in the future the dog contacts this pathogen in a natural way, its immune system will react quickly against it. Thus, the disease does not manifest itself or it does so slightly.

Vaccines are designed to deal with serious, life-threatening and highly contagious diseases. If a dog does not have the protection of vaccines, it is more likely that his immune system will not be able to tackle the pathogen quickly enough, so the disease develops.

The rabies vaccine in dogs

The rabies vaccine for dogs is necessary, not only to protect the dog, but to prevent the disease from being transmitted to humans, since, remember, it is a zoonosis. Although there are areas in which rabies is considered eradicated, the truth is that in parts of Asia, especially in India, and South America, this disease still claims thousands of human lives today.

Therefore, in many territories the vaccine is even mandatory for dogs, cats or ferrets. And it is that rabies in dogs is a deadly and notifiable disease. Although it manifests itself in different phases, it usually triggers a neurological condition with some characteristic symptoms such as aggressiveness or hydrophobia, that is, panic to water. Symptoms end with paralysis and death.

At what age are dogs vaccinated against rabies?

The good news is that there is a rabies vaccine for dogs and we can access it through any veterinary clinic. This vaccine is administered around 3-4 months of life, after completing the vaccination schedule, which, although not mandatory, are considered essential for the dog’s health.

If we adopt an adult dog, we can give it the vaccine after the veterinary review and internal deworming, which is always recommended before each vaccination. The veterinarian will mark the most suitable calendar for you depending on the specific situation of your dog.

How often is the dog rabies vaccine given?

Vaccines offer immunity to the dog, but not all of them will do it throughout their life, so it is necessary that the doses be repeated periodically. Although the rabies vaccine for dogs can guarantee protection for up to three years, in the localities where it is mandatory, the usual thing is that the authorities require that it be administered annually.

Dog Rabies Vaccine: Side Effects

Vaccines rarely cause serious side effects, and the rabies vaccine for dogs is no exception. In some dogs we can notice:

  • General malaise (first 24 hours).
  • Fever
  • Reluctance
  • Swelling where the vaccine was given.
  • Abscess (where you had the inflammation before).
  • Allergic reaction.

Allergic Reaction to Rabies Vaccine in Dogs

The pictures of malaise and reluctance in general remit on their own. However, in case of allergy, it would be considered an emergency situation, so it should be seen by the veterinarian immediately.

Is the rabies vaccine for dogs mandatory?

In general, vaccines for dogs are optional, although some, because they protect against very contagious and serious pathologies, are considered essential by veterinarians, so their administration is recommended to all dogs. But the case of rabies is particular. As it is a communicable disease to human beings and given its mortality, the health authorities have introduced the vaccination of dogs as mandatory by law, precisely to prevent the spread and the consequent contagion to people. Therefore, if you are going to adopt a dog, find out about the current legislation in your place of residence to find out if you are obliged to give it that vaccine.

What if I don’t vaccinate my dog ​​for rabies?

If you wonder what happens if I do not vaccinate my dog ​​against rabies, you should know that in the places where this vaccine is mandatory, its lack or the absence of revaccination with the required periodicity entails the imposition of economic sanctions as it is considered a serious misconduct.

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