Persian cat hair care

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The Persian cat is characterized by its long and dense coat, apart from its face of features so characteristic of this luxurious feline breed. Obviously, this type of coat requires meticulous care that other cat breeds do not require.

Here we will provide you with the guidelines so that your Persian cat always looks well-groomed and beautiful in this article on the care of the Persian cat’s hair.

Find out what ideas we propose, keep reading:

Daily care

All Persian cats require daily care on our part. It is our obligation to provide them with food and water every day, while keeping their sand clean. Although we do not believe it, the benefits of a healthy and quality diet will have a direct impact on the animal’s coat.

In the case of the Persian cat there is an added daily obligation: comb it.

Naturally, we must do it with love and with the ideal material for it, read on to discover the indications.

Material to comb the Persian cat

To comb our Persian cat correctly, we will use combs, brushes and cards.

First we will use a comb, preferably plastic, with the separate and blunt tips. This tool will allow us to orient the sense of the hair and detect any knot in the fur of our Persian cat.

I must remind you that whenever you comb your pet it is advisable to do it on a towel, to avoid dirtying the floor with dead hair.

The right brushes

Once the first comb has been briefly passed, and any knot removed if it had been detected with the first pass with the light-tipped comb, we will begin to brush the coat of our Persian cat with a flat comb with separate, long, rigid and their tips with balls protected.

In this way we will not cause wounds in the dermis of our feline, this brushing must be somewhat more meticulous than the first previous hairstyle.

Thick brush

We will alternate brushing with the first brush, with a few strokes with another type of brush: a long, thick and soft bristle brush. Ideal tool to remove dust and food remains adhered, for example: in the jowls of our gluttonous cat.

Combining the action of both brushes we will comb our pleased and purring friend in all places of his furry anatomy.

Metal card

The metal card is a somewhat dangerous tool for our pet if we do not use it correctly. But if we handle it carefully, it can give our Persian cat’s hair a splendid finish.

There are two precepts, the most important is not to brush the thick metal tips of the card against the cat’s dermis, but to get as close to it as possible to air and fluff the hair of our feline.

The other precept is to combine long strokes with short strokes, in favor of the hair and against the grain. In this way each hair will separate and be charged with static current, which makes the mites very uncomfortable and causes them to escape from your cat’s fur.

Time and special tools

As we start from the premise that you will comb your Persian cat daily, the time spent on it should not exceed ten minutes. More than enough time to turn your kitten into a Hollywood actor or actress.

  • During the spring and summer you should check that your cat does not contract fleas or other parasites, for this there are very thick combs in pet stores that should only be used for deworming.
  • If your cat gets excessively dirty, you can get a dry cleaning shampoo to clean regularly without nailing our nails. You can use baby wipes for lighter stains.
  • In addition and especially for those cats with a white coat, you should also know a very useful product to eliminate the brown tear that sometimes marks their complexion. Basically it is an antioxidant that gradually removes the trace.

Coat-enhancing foods

Indeed, Persian cat hair care is not limited to brushing and feline aesthetic products, some foods improve the quality of the Persian cat’s coat.

  • Especially the omega 3 omega 6 fatty oils are super benefits for the cat’s body and also its hair. Look for feed and wet cans that contain these two oils.
  • Offering salmon and tuna once a week will also result in a bright and healthy coat, and the fish is high in protein. For this, we must clean it properly without thorns or viscera, it will be preferable to offer it raw.
  • Other options can be sardine oil or egg.


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