My rabbit has tangled hair

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There are breeds of rabbits that are more prone to entangled hair, such as Angora rabbits and other long-haired breeds. Regular brushing is always advisable, especially during periods when the rabbit sheds its hair.

However, our rabbits’ fur is often matted and we notice that the rabbit has tangled hair.

If you continue reading, you will see in detail what you can do if your rabbit has tangled hair, follow our homemade tricks:

Brushing the rabbit

The regular brushing of the rabbit is a basic pet care required to preserve our beauty, and what is most important: your health.

The removal of dead hair from the rabbit’s coat greatly reduces the risk that our pet suffers from dangerous trichobezoars (hairballs in the stomach). In long-haired breeds, brushing should be daily.

Brushing instruments

The length of the bristles of the brush intended to brush our rabbit must be a function of the length of hair that our rabbit’s coat has. Short hair requires short bristle brushes. Medium hairs require medium bristle brushes. Long hair needs a longer barb length. If the brushes are made of plastic, their quills should end with ball-shaped tips, so as not to damage the animal’s epidermis.

The brushes maned horse are very effective because they are thick, soft and firm at a time, and a very helpful factor are electrostatic ally charged. With which the dead hair is attracted as by a magnet by the mane, sticking to the brush.

Metal cards can also be used, but they must be used with great caution.

Brushing technique

To brush the rabbit well, it must be done against the grain and in favor of the hair.

We will start brushing with long strokes against the grain and without going too deep. It is about raising the rabbit’s fur in advance. Then with shorter strokes and a slight twist of the wrist, we will try to get the bristles of the brush to separate the dead hair from the rabbit’s dermis and adhere to the brush (we continue brushing against the grain).

Then, once well brushed against the grain, we will comb gently in favor of the hair using the same brush (from which we will have previously gotten rid of the dead hair attached to its bristles).

Attention to sitting rabbits!

One part that is not usually properly brushed is the rabbit’s buttocks, since if it likes brushing it will sit down and the whole process is easier for us.

But it is precisely there, in the bunny’s butt, where the greatest entanglements usually occur. Sitting is a comfortable position for the rabbit as it rests, while allowing it to be attentive in case it must run away.

Therefore, they must also brush there; something that many rabbits are not enthusiastic about, rather the opposite.

Using scissors

To detangle the hair, it is best to use the so-called “emptying scissors”. This cutting instrument allows to lighten the density of the tangled hair, thus facilitating the untangling of the knots and leaving part of the hair intact, with which no large shearing is observed in the rabbit’s hair, except if it is a “potato” acting as a hairdresser.

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