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The lovebird is a small parrot that basically comes from different parts of Africa. Even so, and due to captivity, it is currently found in various parts of the planet in the wild.

They are intelligent and very sociable, they love to live in groups or couples and are tremendously curious. They are very popular as a pet.


  • Africa
  • Angola
  • Burundi
  • Comoros
  • Kenya
  • Namibia
  • Rwanda
  • Seychelles
  • Tanzania

Physical appearance

There are 8 types of lovebirds that show different physical attributes:

  • Finscher’s lovebird: The best known and most common of the lovebirds, almost all its plumage is green and it turns golden from the neck to the head that is a dark orange.
  • Namibian Agapornis: This one in particular is practically all green, its head is red and its tail shows blue tones.
  • Masked lovebird: It is the same as Finscher’s lovebird with the difference that it has a large dark patch similar to a mask on its face.
  • Agaporni gray head: Its body mixes dark green and light green, on the contrary, its head is all gray.
  • Lilian’s lovebird: It is very similar to Namíbia’s, its entire body is gray except for the red head, and it does not have blue feathers on the tail.
  • Black-cheeked lovebird: Its body is radiant green and has, as its name suggests, very characteristic black cheeks. We also found an orange stain on the neck.
  • Red-faced lovebird: Its entire body is an intense and uniform green, only its head turns red.
  • Black-collared lovebird: In this case, the lovebird is soft green, it has a black line that begins at the back of the head that resembles a collar.

Apart from the characteristics offered by the plumage, we must know that the lovebird is a bird that is around 12 – 15 centimeters in length. They are warm-blooded vertebrates that are kept at around 42ºC and show a strong, curved beak.

It is a bird adapted mainly to flight since it has long and skillful wings, even so, with its legs it can climb, walk, scratch and groom itself. They are very skilled at handling food and objects.


Lovebirds are very sociable birds, which is why they are nicknamed inseparable since they love to be surrounded by members of their own species as well as with other animals or people. They quickly get in tune with someone who stimulates them physically and mentally in a positive way. They have a friendly and very curious character that begins when they are young and into adulthood.

They are good companions at home and also have the ability to learn to speak or rather to repeat some words that you repeat to them frequently.

They like to fly and exercise their wings during the day, so it is important that you think about training your lovebird, especially if it is a young or papillero specimen. If you relate correctly with him you will have a very special pet by your side.

But, how can we understand the language of lovebirds?

When lovebirds are happy and sociable, we can appreciate happy sounds, movement, play and the fact that they want to share food. In moments of relaxation and well-being, the lovebird will stretch and cup its wings while remaining calm.

On the contrary, if we observe an apathetic lovebird that barely moves, the meaning is clear, it is sad. And if, on the other hand, it tries to peck us, screams or flails its wings excessively, we are faced with an angry lovebird.


Lovebirds are fairly easy birds to care for and maintain, even so you should inform yourself so that all their needs are covered and you can enjoy a healthy and cheerful specimen.

The lovebird must have a large cage so that it can move with some freedom. Remember that its flight is horizontal so, preferably, look for a rectangular cage. It should not receive drafts, direct light or aggressive stimuli, it should be a quiet and relaxed place.

The cage must have sticks to support that you must change every x time. Also in the market you will find natural branches of fruit trees that embellish the cage and exercise the legs.

Like many birds, lovebirds love a bath: find a small pool or container so it can cool off especially in the summer time. In addition, the bath helps prevent the appearance of lice and mites.

Feed it with seeds that you will find in the usual pet stores, most of the packages are prepared and perfect so that they do not have nutritional deficiencies. You should also offer fruit and vegetables, although the latter in less quantity, try to give them different pieces and investigate which ones they like the most.

Calcium or a cuttlefish bone will be essential in its cage so that it pecks and receives its calcium doses. Lovebirds also enjoy eating insects as they provide a large amount of protein and iodine, very important in this species. If you have qualms about offering insects, you can look for treats or food that contains it.

Finally remember that you should always have fresh and clean water at your disposal.

What else needs my lovebird?

Although this seems enough, we want to remember that the lovebird is a very playful bird full of vitality. Provide her with toys for her to have fun such as: stairs, mirrors, swings, ropes … The great adaptability of her legs allows her to enjoy all this. You should also know that they can be somewhat destructive with their toys. They love the novelty so never stop surprising them.

Train your lovebirds to be best friends. In this way you can let it flit around the house, something that makes them happy and completes them as birds. It is also important that if your lovebird spends a lot of time alone and is sad or apathetic, you should consider adopting a partner so that he can relate.


Next we are going to detail some of the most common diseases that affect these wonderful birds. If you think that yours may be suffering from any of them or you are concerned about his health, do not hesitate to take him to the vet.

  • Cold: It is very common if you are in a dirty or drafty environment. You will observe a sad state of the bird and mucus. It is important to improve your conditions so that you recover quickly.
  • Respiratory Acariasis: It happens when you breathe costly and look sad and listless, you have a cough. To eliminate mites it is important to sanitize your environment and go to a veterinarian to prescribe antibiotics and sprays against mites.
  • Salmonellosis: It is a problem of the digestive system that is altered due to infected food or is spread through other animals such as rats, flies or pigeons. It is possible to identify it if we see him with diarrhea, thirst, loss of appetite and importantly, a swollen belly. You will have to go to the vet to prescribe antibiotics and type B vitamins.
  • Abnormal molt: If you notice that your lovebird begins to be plucked and unruly, it may be due to loneliness or stress. They can also be the result of a poor diet or a cold. Analyze what may be causing this abnormal molt to solve it.
  • Coccidiosis: They are small parasites that lodge in the intestinal walls and we can identify it by the stools that will be diarrhea with blood. Thoroughly sanitize the cage and look at your usual food anticoccido store.
  • Bites: If you notice that it has bites on its legs, it may be that your lovebird is being bitten by mosquitoes. It can be very serious if it is not cured, for that reason explain the problem to your usual center and they will prescribe a cream.
  • Asthma: Yes, your lovebird can suffer from asthma. If you find him dejected and with labored breathing it may be due to this problem. You will need him to stay in a clean and dry environment, improve his diet, and go to the vet for antibiotics.
  • Paratosis: It is the presence of parasites such as mites and lice. Sanitize and clean the cage, you should also look for a spray dewormer.
  • Constipation: It can be a consequence of a poor diet or a lack of fruits and vegetables. Ask yourself if you are getting the nutrients you deserve and correct your nutrition.

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