Is it okay to have an otter as a pet?

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The otter is an animal belonging to the family (Mustelidae) and we can find eight different species, all of them protected due to the imminent danger of extinction. If you are considering keeping an otter as a pet or have heard of someone, you should know that it is totally prohibited by law and can lead to considerable fines and penalties if kept in captivity.

In this article, we will talk about the way of life this animal has in the wild, why it is not correct to have an otter as a pet and what to do if we find one.


Where and how do otters live?

The European otter used to inhabit all of Europe, from the most arctic areas, to North Africa and part of Asia. Beginning in the middle of the 20th century, many of its populations disappeared due to human persecution, food shortages, habitat destruction and pollution.

All otters, with the exception of the sea otter, live in rivers, lakes, marshes, ponds or anywhere where there is clear water, surrounded by very thick wooded vegetation. Their burrows are on the banks, taking advantage of natural caves. They do not have a single burrow, it is known that each day they can rest in a different one, as long as it is within their territory.

They feed almost exclusively on aquatic animals, fish, crustaceans, amphibians or reptiles, although, if they do not have the above, they can get out of the water and hunt small mammals or birds. Except for the sea otter, which never leaves the ocean for its entire life.

Generally, the otter is a solitary animal, they only come together during courtship and copulation, and when the mother is with her young until they leave. They can reproduce throughout the year, but tend to regulate their cycles according to times of drought and the abundance of their preferred prey.


Is the otter a pet?

In countries like Japan or Argentina, there is a new “trend” that consists of having an otter as a pet. Although it may seem a docile and manageable animal, the otter is a wild animal, which has not undergone a domestication process, which would take hundreds of years.

People often buy the animal illegally when it is still a puppy, so it has been separated from its mother too soon. Otter cubs must be with their mother for at least 18 months, as they learn everything they need for life from her. The fact that they are solitary animals is another reason why they should not be pets, since they would be accompanied most of the time. In addition, in a house they could not carry out all their natural behaviors, since we do not usually have rivers or lakes in our homes.

On the other hand, these animals become really aggressive when they are in heat, a condition in which they are most of their adult life.


How to care for an otter?

If you find an adult otter and you think it may be badly injured or in need of veterinary attention, it is best to keep an eye on it from a distance while calling 112 or the forest agents in the region where you are. Do not try to catch it, as it could attack you and, being a mammal, transmit a multitude of infections or parasites.

If, on the other hand, you find a baby that under no circumstances could survive on its own, you can put it in a cardboard box that is wide enough, insert a blanket to protect it from the cold (if it does) and take it to a recovery center for wildlife or call the forestry agents.


Is it legal to have an otter as a pet in Spain?

All species of otters are found in Appendix I of the CITES agreement, this means that their capture or trade is totally prohibited, in Spain or in any other country in the world. The handling of these species is only allowed for scientific reasons, for the study of populations or reintroduction into the natural environment. In addition, the otter is included in the Bern convention, due to its imminent extinction.

For this reason, and because the otter is not a domestic animal, but a wild one, you cannot have an otter as a pet.

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