Do nymphs speak?

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Undoubtedly, one of the behaviors that has most surprised us humans over time has been to see that there are birds capable of performing the most varied vocalizations, becoming capable not only of perfectly imitating words, but in more extreme cases, learning to sing songs . One of these birds is the nymph or Carolina, which has drawn more than one smile thanks to its surprising ability to imitate words.

In this article, we will try to answer the question of whether nymphs speak, one of the most frequently asked questions by those who are fortunate enough to live with this curious bird.

Nymph behavior

Nymphs, like many birds, are a species that requires social interaction, as well as the formation of bonds with other individuals, to feel protected and comfortable in their environment. This cockatoo expresses its comfort and happiness when it is with other companions, spending time together, pampering and grooming each other several times a day.

However, the formation of these links requires prior communication to contact and exchange training with others. This expression of messages and intentions occurs in birds, not only with the specific body language of this species, but, above all, through the emission of sounds

Do nymphs speak?

As we have seen, sound communication is of vital importance for nymphs. For this reason, it is not surprising that nymphs are often claimed to speak, but is this true?

In reality, this belief is not entirely correct, as nymphs do not speak, but rather imitate sounds. We must bear in mind that we understand the act of speaking as communication established through words, that is, sounds with their own meaning in a specific culture, which are created thanks to the vocal cords.

According to this definition, if we compare the behavior and specific capacities that nymphs have when they emit sounds, it is not exactly what we would say, because to begin with, these birds do not have vocal cords, but rather the great capacity they have to imitate sounds to perfection is due to the membrane located at the base of the trachea, an organ that is called the syrinx.

The fact that nymphs imitate sounds typical of human speech, that is, words, is the result of the learning that these birds carry out in their usual social environment to better function in it: express their state of mind, needs and intentions.

It does not mean, therefore, that they speak, but that they have learned the sound and may relate it to a specific situation through learning. Therefore, the sound by itself lacks meaning, since these birds are not able to define that word.

At what age do nymphs speak?

There is no strict age at which nymphs begin to speak. Now, this occurs once your bird begins to reach a certain degree of maturity, because when it is small most of the sounds are to demand food from you.

However, it must be borne in mind that learning is constant and varies according to age. Therefore, it is important to talk to your nymph often so that she gets used to the sound, and as she reaches maturity she may make her first efforts to imitate you.

Each nymph has its own rhythm of learning, therefore, do not be overwhelmed if you see that your little one is not interested, because it could start soon at 5 months or a little later, at 9. Also, keep in mind sex of your nymph, since generally it is the males who are more predisposed to emit all kinds of sounds and to perfect them, the females being rather silent.

How to teach a nymph to speak?

First of all, it is important to understand that you should not force your nymph to learn to speak, as this is a natural process which will develop as you spend time with your bird. On the contrary, forcing your nymph to do so will only generate discomfort and discomfort in him or her, which will affect their mood, and, in addition, they will associate this negative experience with you, gradually gaining their distrust of you.

To teach your nymph to talk, you should spend time with her in a quiet space and speak softly and sweetly to her. There will be times when she will be especially receptive and interested in words that you say, it is in these moments when you have to repeat the word that you want her to learn, when she is attentive.

Next, you should reward her with her favorite food when she makes the effort to repeat it. During the learning process, you should repeat the word or phrase frequently and, if you are patient, you will see how little by little your partner will improve the sound and pronunciation of the word you want to teach her.

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