Mandarin diamond

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The Mandarin diamond is also known as the zebra finch and is native to Australia. In the last 5 years the possession of this bird has become popular due to the easy maintenance and the joy that they transmit within the home. The breeding of these birds is also common because their reproduction is very simple.

Depending on the area where it lives, the size of this bird may be larger or smaller and it is found practically all over the world due to the large number of followers of this wonderful bird species. Read on to find out all about the most adorable finches.3


  • Oceania
  • Australia

Physical appearance

It is a very small bird that usually measures between 10 and 12 centimetres in length and weighs approximately 12 grams. The beak of the Mandarin diamond is short and compact, adapted to eating various seeds.

Sexual diformism is evident in this species of bird as males show colored cheeks while females have simpler plumage. Virtually all color variations show this diformism except full-white mandarin diamonds.

Due to the large number of amateur breeders there are many varieties of mutations that give rise to very beautiful and unique specimens. It is impossible to classify them all but we can make a summary of the best known:

  • Common gray: Most of the body is gray, although the neck and tail show characteristic black stripes, hence the name Zebra Fich. At the end of the wings it shows a brown and mottled plumage. The whole belly is white.
    The common gray female is completely gray with a white belly. It only shows the mottled zebra on the tail and a black tear under the eye.
  • Black cheeks: As its name suggests, this specimen stands out for its black cheeks. Only males show this phenomenon, although in rare cases some females also show it.
  • Masqué: It is a variety that shows a white and brown plumage. The areas of spots can vary on the wings, upper part of the body or the head. The stripes on the tail are also usually brown, although we also find them black. The chewed specimens can be very varied and unique, presenting the usual mottling or not on the wing feathers.
  • White: There are completely white mandarin diamonds. In this case, it is very difficult to determine the sex and to determine it we will be guided by the color of the beak, more reddish in males and more orange in the case of females.


Mandarin diamonds are very sociable birds that live in large colonies that favor their survival. They love to socialize and communicate, for that reason, having a Mandarin diamond is only a sadness for them, who cannot enjoy their own kind.

If you want to have several mandarins in a large or flying cage, we recommend mixing several females as they will have a positive and friendly behavior between them. If you want to enjoy the presence of one or two males, we advise you to have several females for each male, otherwise it can lead to rivalry attitudes. Importantly, simply having a mate can exhaust the female, who will be constantly forced by the male to reproduce.

They are very talkative birds, especially the males, who will spend all day humming and interacting with their companions and even with you. Although they are somewhat scary birds if we adopt them as an adult, Mandarin diamonds over time get used to those who feed and care for them. They will replenish your whistles without hesitation.

As we have already discussed, the Mandarin diamond reproduces very easily and regularly. There are many people who raise them for pleasure since it is quite a ritual to observe how they make the nest and carry it out together. Usually we speak of a species that is very faithful to its mate.


The Mandarin diamond is a bird that, although small, loves to fly and needs space. Get a large cage, preferably horizontal: 1 meter x 70 centimetres is totally acceptable.

In the cage you must have various utensils such as sticks or branches, which you will find common stores, there are branches very beautiful fruit trees that in addition to decorating your cage will make it a unique place for your mandarins. The cuttlefish bone cannot be missing as it provides calcium, which is super necessary.

You will also have feeders and drinkers, always fresh and clean.

In addition to their basic needs, it is important that they have their moments of fun, so you can leave mirrors and toys within their reach. Water is another source of fun as the Mandarin diamond loves to clean itself. Get a pool or a small container, they will get wet and enjoy, and you will also prevent the appearance of mites and lice.

The power of the diamond Mandarin is very simple, simply have your special seeds available, you will find in any trade. They should contain 60% birdseed, 30% millet and 10% flax, rapeseed, hemp and Nigerian. Including egg yolk from time to time will provide extra energy and vitality in the plumage, remember that you must remove it after a while. You can give them alfalfa, which they love, they will devour it in nothing and less.

Giving fruit is very important, for this, try leaving small pieces of different types such as orange, apple or pear, discover what your Mandarin diamond likes the most! Finally, as a reward, you can also leave insectivorous breeding pasta or various insects directly within reach, only from time to time.

Interact with your Mandarin diamond so that it knows you and enjoys you. Talk to it, put on music or syllable to it and enjoy watching it every day, as they have a high energy level that is adorable for bird lovers.


It is important that you look at the Mandarin diamond often so that it had a health problem, here are the most common ones:

  • Stuck egg: If you are raising mandarin diamonds this can happen to you, and it is a serious problem, as the female can die. You will see that it is a stuck egg because it has a bulging abdomen and makes weak and pitiful sounds. Take it carefully and give it a little massage in the area of ​​the egg so that it can expel it. If it doesn’t happen, take her to the vet immediately.
  • Leg fracture: If you notice that your diamond has a fractured leg (not broken) you should reach it and immobilize it with two rods and a gauze, in two weeks it should heal without problem. Watch why it has happened and if it is a problem with the cage, change it.
  • Anemia: Nutritional deficiencies translate into this disease. You can identify it by a discoloration of the bill or legs. Vary his diet and offer him different foods.
  • Cloacitis: It consists of an inflammation of the cloaca, more common in laying females. Clean the area and apply an ointment based on oxide and zinc, also offer her more variety in her diet.
  • Acariosis: It is the appearance of mites and lice. Avoid this problem by putting a pool in the cage of your diamond so that it bathes often, in addition, in pet stores you will find antiparasitic spray to solve the problem.
  • Abnormal growth of the beak: In this case we are talking about a consequence of the lack of cuttlebone. It can cause deficiencies in your diet. Crumble the cuttlefish and leave it within reach so that little by little only the problem is solved.

Avoid diseases such as bronchitis and acarosis in the legs by keeping your Mandarin diamond in a clean and dry environment, without humidity or drafts, direct contact with the sun is not advisable.


  • Mandarin diamonds learn to sing by imitating the sound that their parents or adult companions make, they reproduce a sound very similar to what they hear, for that reason, the song of the mandarin diamond has thousands of possibilities

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